Châteauguay Pickelball Association
Report: City of Châteauguay
Nomination meeting and first annual general meeting

In person, May 16, 2023, 7:00 p.m., Ross-Hill Room
Are here :
Chloé Provost, Ville de Châteauguay
Frédérik Pépin, Ville de Châteauguay
Gail Walkers
John Clayton
Véronique Trépanier
Serge Rajotte
Suzanne Caron
Pierre Coulombe
Serge Roussin
Bernard Caron
Ronald Smith
Sylvie Léger
Aileen Tobin
Chantale Larocque
Edward Flaherty
Alain Binette
Jean-Claude Ouellette
Céline Poirier
Johanne Lemieux

1. Opening of the inaugural general assembly and welcome remarks/ Start 7:08
Ms. Chloé Provost, representative of the City of Châteauguay, explains how the meeting took place.

The opening of the meeting is proposed by Véronique Trépanier and seconded by Serge Roussin.

Ms. Gail Walker, spokesperson for the creation committee of the Châteauguay Pickelball Association, takes the floor for a word of welcome. Thanks to Mr. Brière from Pickelball Quebec for his presence among us.

2. Certification of sending the notice of meeting
The members attest to receipt of the notice of meeting. Attendance has been taken in advance, the quorum is 30 people out of a total of 70 members to date.

3. History of formation of the creative committee
Members wishing to have access to boards in order to play pickelball together on their organized meeting at the Civitan room. Following requests to the City for access to land and the creation of new lineage, a working committee was created and a decision to create a non-profit association was made. With the support of the City, the working group established a draft of General Regulations which will be presented to your members today. Following this approach, an advertisement was launched to recruit members of the future APC. As of today, 70 members are officially registered for the free pickelball activity on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Agora.

The City would like to thank the working committee for its dedication to this citizen project and assure its support in its future application for Recognition.

4. Election of a president and election secretary
Serge Roussin proposes Frédérik Pépin (City) as election president and Chloé Provost (City) as election secretary. The proposal is seconded by Bernard Caron.

5. Reading and adoption of the agenda
Frédérik Pépin reads the agenda.
1. Opening of the general meeting and welcome remarks
2. Certification of sending the notice of meeting and verification of quorum
3. Training history
4. Election president and election secretary
5. Reading and adoption of the agenda
6. Adoption of the General Regulations
7. Presentations of positions in elections
8. Elections
9. Activity report 2022/2023
10. Financial situation 2023
11. 2023 activities and 2024 projects
12. Varia
13. Adjournment of the meeting

This is proposed without modifications by Chantale Larocque and seconded by Ronald Smith.

6. Adoption of general regulations
The members having received the general regulations in advance, they will be read and adopted by block.

Block 1

Note to make a change from the word “corporation” to “association” throughout the document.

Question on the location of the head office by Sylvie Léger
Question about charity: Serge Roussin
Question on the free use of the trays: Sylvie Léger

The committee answers the questions and no changes are requested. The block is proposed by Véronique Trépanier and seconded by Chantale Larocque. Unanimous adoption.



Question related to corporate regulations by Serge Roussin.
Question related to member pricing by Serge Roussin. Ask why not vote for it at the general meeting. Explanation. No request for a vote.
Question the fact that the CA has final power to expel Serge Roussin.
Adoption of the block proposed by Aileen Tobin. Seconded by Ronald Smith. Adopted unanimously.


Question about adding proxy voting. Addition proposed by Serge Roussin. Seconded by Ronald Smith. Vote request. 19 votes for and 7 against. Adopted by majority.
Question on article 3.9. secret vote with 5 members for secret vote everywhere.
Adoption of the block proposed by Alain Binette and seconded by Chantale Larocque. Adopted unanimously.


Question from Serge Roussin. Does each amount have to be ratified by the CA? Answer yes by the function of the treasurer and by signing the check, each amount is verified then presented in the annual report and the budget to the members.
Adoption of the block proposed by Ronald Smith and seconded by Bernard Caron. Adopted unanimously.


Edward Flaherty mentions that 5.11c and 5.11 f repeat. Article f is removed.
Adoption of the block proposed by Edward Flaherty and seconded by Véronique Trépanier. Adopted unanimously.


No questions on this block.
Adoption of the block proposed by Ronald Smith and seconded by Edward Flaherty. Adopted unanimously.



No questions on this block.
Adoption of the block proposed by Aileen Tobin and seconded by Jean-Claude Ouellette. Adopted unanimously.


No questions on this block.
Adoption of the block proposed by Véronique Trépanier and seconded by Chantale Larocque. Adopted unanimously.


7. Presentations of positions in elections
Chloé Provost, presents the positions up for election and refers to the general regulations adopted in the previous point. All positions are up for election. Explanation of the voting process and the presentation of candidates.


8. Election of members of the board of directors

For the first year, there are five election positions, president, vice-president/communications, treasurer, secretary and one of executive director of operations.
All positions are currently vacant.

For the position of president, Véronique Trépanier proposes Gail Walker, seconded by Aileen Tobin. Gail Walkers unanimously elected for a one-year term.

For the position of vice-president of communications, Serge Roussin proposes Serge Rajotte, seconded by Bernard Caron. Serge Rajotte unanimously elected for a two-year term.

For the position of treasurer, Chantale Larocque proposes John Clayton, seconded by Aileen Tobin. John Clayton unanimously elected for a one-year term.

For the position of secretary, Ronald Smith proposes Céline Poirier, seconded by Jean-Claude Ouellette. Céline Poirier unanimously elected for a two-year term.

For the position of executive director of operations, Sylvie Léger proposes Suzanne Caron, seconded by Germain Voyer. Suzanne Caron unanimously elected for a one-year term.


9. Appointment of 3 members to the positions of directors not part of the Board of Directors

For the position of technical and training director, Chloé Provost proposes Ronald Smith, supported by Aileen Tobin. Ronald Smith unanimously elected for a one-year term.

For the position of tournament and planning director, Chloé Provost proposes Pierre Coulombe, supported by Chantale Larocque. Pierre Coulombe unanimously elected for a one-year mandate.

For the position of executive event director, Chloé Provost proposes Johanne Lemieux, supported by Véronique Trépanier. Johanne Lemieux unanimously elected for a one-year term.


10. Activity report 2022/2023

Gail Walkers presented a summary of the past year.

• Creation of a working group
• Meeting with participants to survey people’s opinions on the creation of an association
• Meeting with the city of Chateauguay to establish the rules
• Discussion on the formation of the association
• Research government implications.
• Discussion of agreements with other associations

11. Financial situation 2023
Mr. Serge Rajotte, vice-president, will explain the initial financial situation of the APC, put on screen by Chloé Provost.
69 contributing members
$1380 in the Association’s cash balance to date.
$1380 also separated with Pickleball Quebec and Pickleball Canada
For non-residents, $10 of their contribution is remitted to the City of Chateauguay
An update will be provided at the next Assembly.

12. 2023 activities and 2024 projects

Presentation of the 2024 projects by Ms. Gail Walkers.

• Complete the website and Facebook
• Recognition of the Association by the City of Chateauguay scheduled for the regular meeting Monday June 12, 2023.
• Recognition of the association by the Sportplex planned for the ordinary meeting of the third week of June 2023.
• Establishment of schedules at the Sporplex for fall 2023 and winter 2024
• Association with other pickleball clubs
• Extend pickleball hours at the Agora
• Internal activities such as tournaments, games day
• Activities and special days
• Level 1 and 2 training clinic


13. Varia & questions
Speech by Mr. Brière, representative of the FPQ to congratulate the creation committee and offer administrative support to the Pickelball Club and monitoring of membership on the web when their platform is functional.

No additional issues or questions are raised.


14. Adjournment of the meeting
The agenda being exhausted, the adjournment of the meeting is proposed by Chloé Provost seconded by Mr. Fred Pépin at 9:52 a.m.

Chloé Provost
City of Châteauguay, leisure technician