Hello everyone,


On August 21st, the monthly assembly of the city of Châteauguay took place and our association was on the agenda to be recognized. The majority of the board members of our association were present except for two individuals on vacation. As expected, the recognition of our association was unanimously approved by the members of the city council. Our relationship with the city has always been very cordial in an environment where respect and professional ethics have prevailed. This is great news for us because we now have access to benefits that only city partners enjoy. This recognition is due in part to the trust that our members have shown us and we would like to thank you for it. Rest assured that our goal is to continue to offer our members activities and services related to the practice of pickleball in order to promote the sport and allow you to progress and have fun during our events.


We belong to the category ”Sports and Outdoor Organizations” which concerns associations that promote the specific practice of a sporting discipline in Châteauguay by offering services or physical activities for initiation, recreation, development, competition and excellence. Specifically, this policy entitles us to the following support:


1. Professional support


The city’s primary mission is to provide professional support to organizations so that the population is well served. To do this, the City makes human resources available to support organizations in carrying out their activities, including:

o the structure of the organization (request for incorporation, creation of the structure, conduct of a general meeting, design of an organization chart, preparation of an agenda);

o financial organization (preparation of a budget, pricing, advice on self-financing);

o programming (determination of objectives and clientele, evaluation of progress, schedule);

o advertising (advice on preparing an advertising campaign, preparing for a press conference);

o recruitment and training of volunteers (preparation of a recruitment campaign, organization of various training courses for volunteers, relating to the conduct of an assembly, planning, management);

o consultation (conducting a meeting, preparing questionnaires).


2. Administrative support


In order to relieve the organizations of certain technical tasks and to allow democratic life and quality training, administrative support consists mainly of assisting the organization in its administrative actions:

o Photocopies

§ Each organization will be granted a credit of 1,500 photocopies free of charge. As for organizations with more than 300 members and carrying out their activities on a basis of more than 30 weeks, they will be granted 3,000 photocopies free of charge.

o Ticket office

§ Organizations will be able to benefit from the computerized ticketing service or the production of tickets, or both, when their activities require admission fees according to the terms and conditions set by the pricing policy.

o Documentation support

§ All organizations wishing to obtain a reference book, a guide or a study relating to the conduct of activities under their responsibilities can contact the manager responsible for the City, who will see to obtaining the requested work.

o Sales license

§ In order to hold various fundraising activities, organizations may request, free of charge, a sales permit from the City’s permit department by presenting their confirmation of recognition.


3. Physical support


To help recognized organizations carry out their activities, the City makes land, premises and equipment available to them, in the form of loan or rental.

o Use of infrastructure (sports facilities, cultural and school infrastructure, Jean-Pierre-Houde and Pavillon de l’île rooms, meeting rooms, etc.)

o Sound and lighting technician

o Technical equipment

o Promotion

o Loan of trucks

o Insurance

o Access to the Ecocentre

o Held special events


4. Financial support


Organizations can use the infrastructure at the “recognized organization” rate. Depending on the type of organization, other measures are also available.

You will find attached a photo taken at the end of the meeting with the mayor, the councillors and the members of the Board of our organization.




Serge Rajotte